What is The Hare Ball?
The Hare Ball puts the FUN in FUNdraiser. It is also the single largest community fundraiser held annually benefiting The Georgia House Rabbit Society. This isn’t one of those fancy kinds of “Balls” requiring long elaborate dresses, ballroom dancing, and tiaras, BUT you will have a ball while supporting a fantastic non-profit organization, so it still counts in our book!
Silent Auction, Door Prizes, "Best of the Ball" Hair Contest, and other fun games!!
You don’t have to be an avid bunny enthusiast to have a spectacular time! We encourage everyone to “wig-out” with us by wearing eye-catching, crazy or creative hairstyles…so put a little care in your hair, show the love in your heart, and you’ll be ready to party! Our Hare Ball is FUN for ALL (well, as long as you’re over 21)! Our success depends on you! Help us multiply like bunnies…bring your friends! The more people that come, the more bunnies we can save.