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Housing and Supplies


We encourage everyone to consider making their rabbit’s housing more of a habitat, especially if your bun is spending a lot of time there while you are gone during the day. Try to make it a pleasant and interesting environment that they can enjoy. Most rabbits need to be kept in their habitats at night and while you are away to keep them safe. However, they do need to be out to play and exercise 2-3 hours minimum each day . We think the following options will help you to design your very own "rabbitat."

An exercise pen is one of the simplest forms of housing works well for many people. A 30″ tall exercise pen comes with eight 24″ panels, so you end up with a 4’x4′ space, or you can attach the sides to a wall to get a larger space. If your bunny likes to jump, try a taller pen. It gives them lots of room for a litter box, toys, a box to jump and chew on, a twig tent, or concrete tube to run through. You will need to protect your floor underneath, and can do that easily with some indoor/outdoor carpet, or pre-cut linoleum with a rug thrown on it for traction. This is an excellent way to create a bunny habitat.


Too Small.png

Never house your rabbit in the pet store cages that have a molded plastic bottom and wire top. They are absolutely too small! If you already have one, you can remove the wire top and put it in your bunny’s space so it can be used as a litter box.



  • A heavy water bowl/crock that cannot be tipped over.

  • A food bowl that cannot be tipped over.

  • A large litter box. (Please see our page on recommended litter.)​

Bunnies are oftentimes the most interested in the simplest toys. Here are some ideas:

  • A toilet paper roll stuffed with hay

  • A cardboard or untreated wooden box to jump on and chew

  • Telephone books to shred (be sure to remove the shiny covers)

  • Wooden rings or hard baby key rings to toss and chew

  • Several layers of newspaper to shred

  • Wooden bird toys that hang on the side of a cage (no seeds, fruit, nuts, etc)

  • Natural grass mats to chew (cut any strings off)

  • A concrete form tube left whole or cut in half to run through like a tunnel


If you have questions about any of these options for your rabbitat, please contact us and we will be glad to help you with your plans.


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If you are creative and like the idea of a custom bunny condo, try the “Organiz-its” cubes from Target. They are sold in 14″ grids. You will need a minimum of two packs to make a proper size condo and shelf. They can be put together with the attachments that come along with them and then zip-tied together for stability. Multiple shelves can be added by connecting the grids to each other and to the sides of the pen and supporting them with dowels placed through the squares. Be sure to place heavy cardboard and some carpet securely on each shelf. You will find that most bunnies love to sit up on the top level. It makes for a great perch for them to lounge on and gives them the opportunity jump and get a little exercise. It is important to note that you will need to secure some grids as a top over the shelf area so bunny doesn’t jump out. 
Different ideas for configurations can be found on the internet if you do a search under “NIC Condos”. Going to three levels is fine, just remember that your bunny will like to have as much floor space as possible to stretch out, or run around. The levels should also be tall enough for them to stand up on their back feet and stretch up. If you have a smaller rabbit, lower the shelf, or make steps or a ramp so they don’t get injured jumping down. Be sure to put carpet on the steps or ramp for traction.


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